The Punjab unit of the Shiv Sena on Wednesday declared a prize of Rs 1 lakh for every slap to anybody slapping on-screen actor Aamir Khan over his comments on "intolerance in India".
The declaration was made amid the Sena's summons outside MBD Radisson Blu in Ludhiana where Aamir is staying. He is in Ludhiana for the shooting of his up and coming film, Dangal.
Amid the challenge, Shiv Sena workers purportedly used disdainful language against the on-screen actor and blazed his photos.
Rajeev Tandon, Punjab chairman, Shiv Sena, asserted that "any individual who will slap Aamir Khan will get Rs 1 lakh for every slap from the Shiv Sena".
Tandon said, “We give an opportunity to the manager and employees of the hotel and also the team of his film to slap Aamir and get Rs 1 lakh from us. The courageous and patriotic persons who will slap Aamir Khan in Ludhiana will get Rs 1 lakh reward per slap from us.”
Manav Inder Singh Guram, manager, marketing and communications, MBD Group, told a newspaper, “We have complete coordination with the police and they are being updated on the situation. The hotel employees have also been told to remain extra vigilant to avoid any suspicious person reaching near Aamir’s room. The actor was not in the hotel when the protest took place. The number of police personnel at the hotel have been increased from four to eight.”